Artist’s Statement

Present day society benefits from technological advances in nearly every aspect of life. More people live longer and enjoy greater physical health and financial prosperity than ever before. We have created diversions too numerous to count. Yet, despite the speed with which our material culture is evolving, more and more people express a yearning for that which is timeless and beyond the constructions of man. This quest for a sense of “connectedness” is the essence of our humanity and leads, inevitably, to the contemplation of the natural world and its indescribable complexity and beauty. It is a world exposed by light and is visible through color, line, shape and texture. Photography is the process that enables me to connect with that which is most fundamental. My photographs, quite simply, constitute for me a meditation on what it means to be alive on the earth. It is my sincere hope that these images reflect the joy and peace which result from that process and, in doing so, bring honor to our God.